Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

Cerpen Derzione part 1

Ulang Tahun Pertama
Mengenang masa lalu sesudah kita saling kenal pada saat rapat pertama kami, beberapa bulan depan dan hari itu adalah hari yang paling kami tunggu, Ulang Tahun Angkatan pertama kali di asrama sebelum hari itu kami ngumpul bersama di kelas untuk merencanakan bagaimana nanti acara ulang tahunnya, pada saat tanggal 24 Desember di kamar kami berteriak "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DERZIONE" kami bahagia sekali, seperti biasa pagi-pagi harus sekolah, mandi, bersiap-siap untuk pergi ke gedung sekolah tetapi tidak lupa untuk membersihkan kamar, pada saat jam 12.00 untuk solat dzuhur sedangkan Lavida, Ninda izin untuk membeli kue tart untuk nanti malam, setelah itu kami langsung masuk kelas tetapi ada sebagian yang masih berkeliaran di sekitar asrama dan yang di tunggu-tunggu jam 05.30 kami langsung mempersiapkan pesta kami yang tepatnya di kelas VIII B semuanya kami persiapkan kue, spanduk, nasi tumpeng (spanduk dan tumpeng udah di pesan lama) segalanya kami persiapkan dan azan pun berkumandang dan saatnya berbuka puasa (kebetulan pas itu kami semua lagi puasa senin kamis) dan diiringin dengan tiupan lilin bersama-sama senang rasanya bisa merayakan ulang tahun bersama-sama apalagi bersama anak angkatan yang kece dan pintar dan pokonya THE BEST deh :)

Nama-nama anak angkatan DERZIONE:
Lavida Riza
Ninda Yulia Dewi
Metti Herliani .P.
Radhiatul Umami
Sabda Azkia .M.
Yuniari Suci .R.
Zahra Khoirunnisa
Ahmad Sairan
M. Ihsan Attaqwa .R.
Raka Bagas .M.
M. Arif Billah
Yoga Chairul .I.
Salman Alfarizhi
M. Irsyad Fatur .R.
M. Abdull Halim
Dandy .H.
M. Syahril .F.
Kevin Arifien
Budiman Arianto .A.R.H.
M. Akbar Hasyim .R.

Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

Is not happinese

Where am i?
Where everybody?
Iam alone again?
Even when my feet are too tired
Even when i feel like i do not have the srtength to go on....
I stiil keep on walking....
Because, somehow i know you’ll be there.....
At the end of this long, seemingly endless road...
You’ll never know...
Just how much you mean to me
Even tough i cant find the words to explain why?...
No matter where iam..
As long as i can see your smile...
Just as long as i can hear you cal my name
I know everything gonna be alright
All i ever want....
Is to stay forever, next to you...
How foolish of me...
You already hace someone...
By your side...
No mather how long i stretch my arm i can never reach you...
No mather how fast i run forward i can never come closer to your heart...
The one who owns his heart, is stiil a princess...
Even tough he never probably can never be prince.  You wan to be...
You stiil belong to the same world with him...
You know just like the mermaid in that old fairy tale...
I took the evil witch’s poison
To enter your world...
And escape mine...
Just like a mermaid struggle to fit in...
But deep down...
I know...
I can never belong to the world your living in...
We both understand so well how different we are...
 Just like a foolish mermaid. I fal for someone whose heart has already been taken...
Futilaly cashing after a beautiful illusion that can never come true...
And yet i believe...
Even when the mermaid throws herself into the cold, dark, bottomless and dissolves into foam...
All she prays for is the princes happiness.
Thats why...
Even if being with you for the rest of my life just an impossible dream...
Even if the end, i’m nothing
But an undetected and silent shadow
Passing throuh your world...
Even it’s just a very short moment...
I still want to stay
Next to you...
In a small corner of your life...
Even if everthing between us
Can disapper in a blink af an eye...
Just like the snow falling down
From the sky at this very moment...
I still want to stand by you...
Watching this world of make believe fade away...
Until all our hertbreakingly beautiful memories turn to dust...
After all...
For someone who has nothing like me...
What i need...
Is not happiness...